Thursday, June 2, 2011

I need to find a manuel and instructions on how to change a fuel pump in a 1989 GMC Jimmy?

hello my name is bob and saw your posting about fuel pump replacement. i am a mechanic and own a repair shop what would you like to know ? i can either tell you or i can fax or email you the step by step procedure if that helps. let me know.I need to find a manuel and instructions on how to change a fuel pump in a 1989 GMC Jimmy?drop the gas tank undo the center of it pull out put in new put back in use blaster or wd40 on bolts ond clean top of gas tank firstI need to find a manuel and instructions on how to change a fuel pump in a 1989 GMC Jimmy?1. Go to the auto parts store and purchase the new fuel pump, fuel filter, and fuel tanks straps.

2. Use up or remove as much fuel as possible.

3. Once you have the tank dropped, you will see the pump is locked in place with a large ring. remove and replace as needed.

4. The tanks straps can be returned if you did not break either of the others while taking down the tank. Replace the filter for your.
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