and i want to know how to change it (if ithat's an easy thing to do) also i want to know if it is expensive... thanxWhere is the fuel pump located on a 1993 Jeep Grand Cherokee?I see you have several questions concerning your vehicle. Lets see if we can get you back on the road.
Your vehicles fuel pump is actually located in the fuel tank. At first I didn't like it. I was being forced to learn about vehicles all over again if I wanted to remain employed. This is not a real difficult job. Just about any shop is going to charge you 3 Hours labor which equates to about $240 on the east coast and about $300 on the west coast. I would have to make a few calls to find out the exact price of the pump but with the exception of a few GM vehicles and high line vehicles the average retail cost is about $250.
It is much easier to do this job if you have access to a car lift. Most don't so lets start with getting set to remove the fuel tank. Block your front tires and remove the positive battery cable end from the positive post on the battery. (Safety). With a hydraulic floor jack raise the rear of the vehicle by setting the hydraulic jack close to the tire on the rear axle and raising the vehicle as high as possible. Set your jack stand and then repeat this on the other side. Now you are ready. You do not have to remove the fuel from the tank but if you have more than a 1/3 of a tank you will wish you did. Remove the fuel tank fuel inlet hose and vent from the tank. Set your hydraulic jack in the middle of the tank with just a small amount of pressure to keep it from moving around as you disconnect the following. You see there are two straps on the tank. One on the left, one on the right. Loosen and remove one side of each strap. All of the tanks weight is now on the hydraulic jack so take your time. You should be able to lower the tank just a little so that you can now remove the fuel lines from the top of the tank. Disconnect the wiring harness. This will be a pig tail connector. You do not need to cut any wires. Slowly lower the jack, balancing the tank til it will go no lower. Hopefully you got your jeep up high enough that you can move the tank out from under the vehicle. If not....Get someone to help you remove the tank from the jack and slide the tank out from under the vehicle. Now if you look at the tank top you will see where the fuel lines go into the tank. This is also your access panel.Your fuel pump is just below the fuel lines. There are several different tank designs and gaining access to the pump can vary. Some have tabs at the access panel and you need to take a screwdriver and bend these tabs up. Some have snap rings and the list goes on. I am sorry but I can't be definitive about this part of the job. My guess is that if you have gotten this far without loosing it on someone or something. you will figure it out. Now you are ready to remove the fuel pump and module. Slowly pull the access panel out of the tank. The pump and module are attached to the panel. You don't know it now but you want to replace both the pump and module. These parts are purchased as a unit. (One Piece). Don't waste your time buying just the pump. The pump alone is available but what a pain. You don't know what will have to be modified if modification is necessary but mostly why kill yourself. You wouldn't order a hamburger and bun from McDonalds and put it together yourself would you? After you have installed the Pump and module assembly, reverse the steps I have outlined for you. First you might want to locate the fuel filter. I believe the fuel filter is located in the frame of the drivers side but I could be wrong. It could be part of the pump and module assembly. You have to replace the fuel filter to have a warranty on the pump and module. Anyway, put it back together the way you took it apart. Just take your time and you will be moving in less than 2 1/2 hours and you won't be pushing it. Don't forget to purchase a Chilton or Haynes Manuel for reference. Good LuckWhere is the fuel pump located on a 1993 Jeep Grand Cherokee?The fuel pump is inside the gas tank and the only way to access it is to lower the tank and pull it out from the top section. make sure there is no gas in the tank when you do this. This task is not for a weekend do it yourself mechanic. be very careful and do your homework before proceeding.