Thursday, September 22, 2011

1990 Chevy Cavalier: Do I have to drop the tank to reach the fuel pump or is it accessable from the back seat?

I received a car that had a broken cv axle. It had been sitting up for well over a year. I replaced the axle, bought a new battery, changed the oil, and put 2 gallons of gas in it (tank was dry, figured 2 gals. would be enough to start it). When I tried to start it I got nothing. So I poured a little gas into the throttle body to prime it and it started and ran for 8-10 sec. I then disconnected the fuel line and turned on the key to see if any gas was coming through, there was none. I checked the fuses and all were good. So I thought, it needs a new fuel pump, But after reading a lot of Dodge Man's answers (hoping to find one w/o posting a question), I found that it could also be the fuel filter or a relay. I'm not a mechanic but I did work at a salvage yard for 2 summers while in college and I can replace almost ANY part on a car if I know where it is. So, where is the fuel pump, the fuel filter, and the relay for the fuel pump? Oh, and how do I check fuel flow pressure when I'm done?1990 Chevy Cavalier: Do I have to drop the tank to reach the fuel pump or is it accessable from the back seat?Sorry, yes you do...The domestic car makers are still behind the times when it comes to creating an access hole for the fuel pump. %26quot;having worked in a salvage yard, you should have caught on to that%26quot;. Also, don't be surprised by the price. You may may want to verify that you still have a good 12 volt signal and a reliable ground to the pump unit; furthermore, have you checked the fuel pressure and volume? How about injector pulse. You also have not indicated if it is a 4 or 6 cylinder. Some times the cost of diagnostics by professonals can save you a lot of money. I have fixed a many car after customers have installed many hundreds of dollars just to get it towed to me.

If you have a professional fuel gauge, here are some spec's.

8th digit on vin

K...9-13 LBS

M...38-38 LBS

G...9-13 LBS

A%26amp;D...41-47 LBS

R...9-13 LBS

VIN R WITH %26quot;W%26quot; BODY 26-32 LBS

U...9-13 LBS

Now, for saftey sake, and without me having to key in injector resistance's and wire professional help. NEVER attempt to drop or check fuel pressure on a high pressure system..if you have that model, yourself. You may get blinded, or worse....burned.

Scott in NC.

p.s. NEVER REPLACE A PUMP WITH OUT REPLACING A RELAY , FILTER AND PUCK UP SOCK!1990 Chevy Cavalier: Do I have to drop the tank to reach the fuel pump or is it accessable from the back seat?A manual would be the best help.1990 Chevy Cavalier: Do I have to drop the tank to reach the fuel pump or is it accessable from the back seat?In my '92 Cavalier they had to remove the tank to get to the pump. My uncle did it. I honestly have no idea what I'm talking about. I just knew that it took them longer and cost me more money.1990 Chevy Cavalier: Do I have to drop the tank to reach the fuel pump or is it accessable from the back seat?Try to find a manual.

However I know that on the 1993 cavalier from the UK the fuel pump was actually inside the tank !

I think the fuel filter was up front near the throttle body...

This car was originally a german Open Ascona so may not be the same as other GM type cars.

See here under the Mark II entry.

Good luck.1990 Chevy Cavalier: Do I have to drop the tank to reach the fuel pump or is it accessable from the back seat?Yes, you have to drop the fuel tank to replace the fuel pump, the fuel pump relay is located under the hood, on the fire wall to the right. When you turn the key to the %26quot;on%26quot; position, the fuel pump relay clicks on for about 2 seconds then shuts off. This is to pressurize the fuel system in anticipation of starting the engine. Have a buddy turn the key while you listen for the clicking relay.

The electrical connector to the fuel pump/sending unit, is accessible underneath the car near the fuel tank, usually behind it, the purple wire is the fuel pump power, i think, and will be energized for those 2 seconds after the key is turned on. The fuel filter is also underneath behind the fuel tank. If you replace the pump, deffinitely replace the filter too.1990 Chevy Cavalier: Do I have to drop the tank to reach the fuel pump or is it accessable from the back seat?the tank has to be dropped for that. i payed 450 bucks to have mine done.