hello all! used to be on here as damiensblacksvt. i just bought a 98 svt contour and the fuel pump needs replacing. i have the pump but i have a question about the red and white fuel connectors. they are very difficult to remove, and the plastic pieces that pop on and off break very easily. how to i remove these 2 connections wihout breaking them? furthermore how do i remove the aluminum cap to get access to the fuel pump without purchasing the SPECIAL WRENCH that ford says you need? this car wants to start, but i need to get this done and i know that many guys are knowledgable on svt contours on this forum. i was hoping that someone could give me some pointers on how i can do this myself. i have alot of info on svt contours but have never changed a fuel pump in one before. any help would be great guys!
Fuel pump replacement..?More often than not, you can remove the retaining ring by alternately, and gently, hammering away at the tabs to rotate it. You will need a new O ring seal since the old one will have expanded and it won't seat back into place.
On the connectors, you must release the small tab that fits into the hole on the spade connector.Fuel pump replacement..?there is a lock ring holding the sending unit down use a screw driver and tap it until it unlocks then there should be some lock to keep the connector from coming loose take that off and remove the connector